Hi! I m Manami.
Today, I d like to show you about one of the most beautiful village in japan -Tokigawa town-.
Do you know there?
It is in Hilki-gun, Saitama prefecture.
The RED pin is TOKIGAWA town.(close to Gunma prefecture!)
This place has local and historical mood.
Lets hire a bike and enjoy one-day-trip!
Now, I will show you from Tokyo to Tokigawa town.
Here we go!
☆How to get to TOKIGAWA town from central TOKYO.
I suggest this 3 steps to you .
I explain details below.
☆1. Start from IKEBUKURO station.
-IKEBUKURO is one of big station in northern TOKYO.-
In the IKEBUKURO station, you can take Tobu tojo line to Ogawamachi.
☆2. 50min train trip to Ogawamachi.
From the IKEBUKURO station, you can take express service to Ogawamachi.
-TOBU tojo line is vividly blue coloured private railway-
-Ogawamachi is last stop!-
-The seat of TOBU tojo line –
☆3. In Ogawamachi, you can change train to JR line and get off in Myokaku station.
-The sign board of Ogawamachi-
-The place to change to JR Hachiko line-
If you have IC card, you can touch this machine.
If you have not, you can talk to conductor in the train.
-small plat home of JR hachiko line in Ogawamachi station-
-The seat of JR Hachiko line to Myokaku station –
-The Myokaku station has red roof! –
-The front of Myokaku station –
The Tokigawa town have free-onedayhire-bike.
Detail→How to hire a bike in Tokigawa town.
In Japanese, this is the same blog articles.
I wish you enjoy Tokigawa town trip!
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