WHY do you live in Tokigawa town?〜MINATO kisaburo kimi ryokan owner 〜
Hi! I m Manami.
Today, I d like to show you Tokigawa town residents voice !
MINATO kisaburo is the owner of ryokan(japanese style hotel) in Ikebukuro,Tokyo.
He was born in tokyo, and he lives in Tokigawa, and work at Ikebukuro now.
But why he move to Tokigawa with family?
How different life is in Tokyo and in Tokigawa?
I intervewed his story at KIMI-ryokan(his hotel).
Here we go!

MINATO kisaburo

The outside of KIMI ryokan building.
Q,Why do you start this ryokan?
In 1953,my father started this KIMI-ryokan in this places.
In 1973, I traveled many place in the world,and I felt the ryokan is great place for experiencing Japanese culture.
Tatami,Futon,Shoji,and Hinoki style bath represent Japanese culture, but those are difficult to access for foreigner at that time.
My father wanted to turn Hotel style, but my mother and I suggested to open for foreigners.
So,now we said, we are the first ryokan for foreigners in Japan.
More detail history is in our website.
The Lonely Planet said “The best place to stay in Tokyo for budget travellers”.
It is very happy comment and many customer’s comment in trip advisers too!

Q,Why do you move to Tokigawa town?
I’m loving nature!
When I was single, I often go to forest with my dog.
When I married and got children, I felt Tokyo is not best place for family.
The nature is very good playing space for family.
The most playing park in Tokyo is narrow and taking cost.
I felt Tokigawa is beautiful, valuable place for rasing children.

KIMI ryokan supported our projects!
Q,What is recommend in Tokigawa town? ?
I think the clear water and beautiful forest is very precious scenic.
Actually, I invite many foreign friends to my house in Tokigawa.
They enjoy hiking to observatery, eating local foods, and taking hot spring bath, etc.
When you hire a free bike, you can enjoy cycling all over the Tokigawa.
There is much old history than shogun era,it means the human felt cosy to live here.
I wish you find your own value in Tokigawa.
It is no difficult to get here by train.
The travel cost is ¥3000-¥5000 from Tokyo!
by MINATO-kisaburo
MINATO-san,Thank you for your advice!
If you want to know more Tokigawa, please contact here!
The equipment of KIMIryokan is below.
If you want to stay, please book from this web site!
the entrance

shower room and one Hinoki bath room

chatting room
There is barrier free corridor and elevator. The roof top has chairs.

The KIMI ryokan is very popular hotel, I recommend to stay once in Japan!
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